3 years- 6 years
Your child is now a pre-schooler, who is fascinated by the world around them. They can speak longer sentences and are asking lots of questions about their world! They enjoy playing with others, learning routines and forming friendships.
We aim to support our Kindy children to feel comfortable and capable when transitioning into a school setting.
We also program specific school readiness activities based on language and literacy, numeracy, fine motor, gross motor, cognitive and social skills development.
Goals that the children will develop include:
- Becoming comfortable with a school like routine
- Learning verbal skills to communicate effectively with peers
- Show emerging skills in literacy and mathematics
- Becoming self-reliant to select and complete activities
- Learning about the sustainability and environment
- Respect and care for room materials and environment
- Participate and engage in play with other children, showing the ability to share, co-operate, take turns and develop social skills
- Separate confidently from parents and guardians
- Show feelings towards others and their belongings
- Participate in pack away routines
- Follow instructions and develop self-help skills
- Follow the room indoor/outdoor limits and often guide peers
- Becoming attentive during group times, listening and participating in discussions
- Use of manners and being respectful during social situations
- Becoming independent in managing personal hygiene needs
- Having the confidence to express individuality through the arts For example: drama, music, art and craft
- Exploring and showing respect for the natural environment
- Engaging with the wider community
- Developing gross motor skills and physical abilities