Toddlers Room

Toddlers Room 2019-05-28T19:48:01+08:00

18 months – 3 years

Your child is a toddler now! They like to do things in their own way, in their own time so its important they have a safe environment to learn, play and explore in!

We have a fifteen place toddlers room that is overseen by three passionate educators who aim to support your child’s emerging development and extend upon their curiosity and understanding of the world around them.

Toddler age children are learning so many different developmental skills that we aim to nurture through play based experiences and routines including…

  • Physical development- developing gross motor skills, development and co-ordination walking, running, climbing, dancing, kick and throw the ball, feed themselves, drinking from a cup and using a spoon or fork
  • Social development- Supporting social skills through play and small group experiences, playing alongside peers (parallel play), engaging with peers, imaginative play
  • Emotional- Supporting children who feel separation anxiety in a new environment, supporting children to understand emotions and feelings of others
  • Cognitive- Problem solving, building block towers, symbolic play, counting, shape recognition, naming objects, recognising similarities and differences, spatial awareness, following directions and much more!
  • Language- using words, receptive and expressive language, saying name, imitating actions of others and copying words, engaging in story time, rhymes and singing,  asking questions, using pronouns and prepositions, simple sentences and phrases